Sunday, July 15, 2007


I would like to focus on a very ominous development in Bangladesh; third wonder that is slowly but steadily advancing in the political landscape of Bangladesh. The Chief of Army, once declared celibacy from politics, is now regularly delivering political sermons gracing the centre stage of specially arranged seminars. Security Council (de facto Martial Law) is days away from commissioning. EC has delivered election,08 roadmap which appears to be pitching for a designed election under the alert eyes of the powerfuls and very much under the shackle of emergency rule. What a fest of Democracy! The reactions of Boot-licker reformists and battered political parties give a clear picture about this grand design. Mark it, in Beijing and Moscow, wow! it is now wonderful summer bloom. So our Marxists and Leninists are on vacation and naturally all quiet in that front of vanguards and Bolsheviks. Therefore please be prepared for at least another decade of living and enjoying fiesta of Garrison Democracy. Inshalah it will be a carbon copy of our brother Musharraf's democracy in Pakistan.

After Zia and Ershad now the Third Reign of another left-right General for at least a decade. Oh Bangalee! all your hopes and dreams are abandoning you again!!!

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